Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
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- Pranešimai: 2613
- Užsiregistravo: 2015-10-21 20:21
- Karma: 1155
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Kaip žinia Didžiosios Britanijos didmiesčiuose pastaraisiais metais drastiškai išaugo nusikaltimų naudojant motorolerius.
Sugauti tokius banditus buvo sunku, nes negali taranuoti.
Bet neseniai policijai buvo leista taranuoti motoroleriais/motociklais bėgančius nusikaltėlius.
Net jeigu bėglys nusimeta šalmą policija vis tiek gali jį taranuoti.
Pirmas video, kaip elgiasi nusikaltėliai.
Antras video, kaip dabar juos tvarko policija.
Sugauti tokius banditus buvo sunku, nes negali taranuoti.
Bet neseniai policijai buvo leista taranuoti motoroleriais/motociklais bėgančius nusikaltėlius.
Net jeigu bėglys nusimeta šalmą policija vis tiek gali jį taranuoti.
Pirmas video, kaip elgiasi nusikaltėliai.
Antras video, kaip dabar juos tvarko policija.
- Retro tūzas
- Pranešimai: 183
- Užsiregistravo: 2015-11-23 20:09
- Karma: 68
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Vaikų džiaugsmas
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Pakele nuotaika, ypatingai saundtrackas
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Geras dalykas tas youtiubas
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
domas rašė:Geras dalykas tas youtiubas
Atkreipiau dėmesį į tuometines "endurines" padangas (ypač Teneres). Dabar jos būtų naudojamos TIK ASFALTUI
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Dalinuosi africatwin.lt rastu video apie pirma lietuvi motociklininka Dakare. Nerealu!
- Tinkladraskis
- Site Admin
- Pranešimai: 2613
- Užsiregistravo: 2015-10-21 20:21
- Karma: 1155
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Superinis interviu.
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
drh rašė:Žinutės nuoroda
Keturi ratai vežioja kuną, o du ratai - sielą.
- Tinkladraskis
- Site Admin
- Pranešimai: 2613
- Užsiregistravo: 2015-10-21 20:21
- Karma: 1155
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Tavo pirmadienis sunkus?
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Labai aktualu. Man rodos, ant tokio Dubrovnike užsirovėme...
Taip pat, visi keliautojai privalo turėti Revolut korteles su appsais dėl pačių geriausių valiutos keitimo kursų.
Taip pat, visi keliautojai privalo turėti Revolut korteles su appsais dėl pačių geriausių valiutos keitimo kursų.
Drop a gear and disappear.
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Pasirodo filmuojamas Sons of Anarchy spin-off'as pavadinimu Mayans, reitingas - šlamštas, bet va, gal kas nežino
Pabandysiu pirmą seriją pažiūrėti, gal kažkokia istorija originalesnė nei kriminalas-pagarba-meilė-kerštas (nors, pagal trailerį - būtent tai )
Pabandysiu pirmą seriją pažiūrėti, gal kažkokia istorija originalesnė nei kriminalas-pagarba-meilė-kerštas (nors, pagal trailerį - būtent tai )
Drop a gear and disappear.
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
idomiai apie motociklo paruošimą kelionei
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
antrajam kliuvo ties 3:10
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Brandon Howard Stadiem was charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury, felony hit and run, misdemeanor hit and run, and assault with a deadly weapon.
Police said Stadiem struck two victims, who were driving motorcycles, with his car. One victim suffered several sprains and the other suffered a concussion. Both have been released from the hospital.
When a group of riders saw the vehicle hit their friend Saturday morning, they couldn't believe their eyes. They followed Stadiem's vehicle into an apartment complex in order to get his license plate number for police when he rolled over another rider.
Experienced motorcyclists who watched video of the incident said it looked as though the motorcycle drivers were doing everything right and Stadiem was frustrated and intentionally hit them.
"This gentleman weaponized his vehicle and turned it against people that were not an equal threat to him. There is no amount of training to prepare you for something like that," said Rodney Long with Evolution Motorcycle Club.
It's not uncommon for motorcyclists to mount cameras to their helmets in order to record their trips as keepsakes but in this case, the videos have become evidence.
"I see the vehicle run over the bike and it's really hard to watch. As the bike is being run over, you see the car go up and over the biker. It's very scary," said Kimberly Atkinson, president of Ebony Angels. "It looks intentional, to me."
"What I see is constant speed from the bikes. They were in order, no one from what I can see was riding out of line. Looked like a frustrated driver trying to get around them," Long said.
The motorcycle riders said they take road safety seriously, but there is no defense against road rage.
"They don't want to share the road with people who are on two wheels," Atkinson said. "As many times as I have seen things like this, it's always shocking to see it again."
Stadiem was released from the Wake County Detention Center on a $60,000 bond. His first court appearance is Monday at 9 a.m.
WRAL News attempted to contact Stadiem at his apartment, but were unable to locate him. His damaged car remained in the parking lot Sunday afternoon.
Police said Stadiem struck two victims, who were driving motorcycles, with his car. One victim suffered several sprains and the other suffered a concussion. Both have been released from the hospital.
When a group of riders saw the vehicle hit their friend Saturday morning, they couldn't believe their eyes. They followed Stadiem's vehicle into an apartment complex in order to get his license plate number for police when he rolled over another rider.
Experienced motorcyclists who watched video of the incident said it looked as though the motorcycle drivers were doing everything right and Stadiem was frustrated and intentionally hit them.
"This gentleman weaponized his vehicle and turned it against people that were not an equal threat to him. There is no amount of training to prepare you for something like that," said Rodney Long with Evolution Motorcycle Club.
It's not uncommon for motorcyclists to mount cameras to their helmets in order to record their trips as keepsakes but in this case, the videos have become evidence.
"I see the vehicle run over the bike and it's really hard to watch. As the bike is being run over, you see the car go up and over the biker. It's very scary," said Kimberly Atkinson, president of Ebony Angels. "It looks intentional, to me."
"What I see is constant speed from the bikes. They were in order, no one from what I can see was riding out of line. Looked like a frustrated driver trying to get around them," Long said.
The motorcycle riders said they take road safety seriously, but there is no defense against road rage.
"They don't want to share the road with people who are on two wheels," Atkinson said. "As many times as I have seen things like this, it's always shocking to see it again."
Stadiem was released from the Wake County Detention Center on a $60,000 bond. His first court appearance is Monday at 9 a.m.
WRAL News attempted to contact Stadiem at his apartment, but were unable to locate him. His damaged car remained in the parking lot Sunday afternoon.
Drop a gear and disappear.
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
Nežinojau, kad Whydotas yra moto entuziastas toks
Drop a gear and disappear.
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
CRF1000L hard enduro Aštrus filmukas, ką vyrukas miške išdarinėja su šiuo motociklu.
Beverly 350 ST, CRF1000
Įdomios Youtube Nuorodos
turistux rašė:Žinutės nuoroda CRF1000L hard enduro Aštrus filmukas, ką vyrukas miške išdarinėja su šiuo motociklu.
Ir kas sake, kad su softu negalima endurinti? Musu galimybes riboja tik patirtis ir mes patys....
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